Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy First Sewing Bee

Today, I am very happy to announce that I am taking part in my sisters web wide sewing bee every Thursday!

She rocks!

Since finding out that Charlie is on the way, I decided that I would make some little boy things.  The first thing I desperately wanted to make was a diaper bag.  I wanted something simple, and sturdy, roomy, and without Winnie the Pooh, Bears, or Sparkles all over it.  I wanted something shall we say...ME

So, after perusing the net for patterns I came up empty handed, and since I CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME UNDERSTAND A PATTERN from say Simplicity, McCalls etc, I thought Hell, I can make this on my own. 

 You see, I have made close to 50 plus bags in the past, when Julia and I had our traveling farmers market store, and know my way around a bag.  I can pretty much look at a bag, and know how to make it.  So, I looked for inspiration, I found it here!

At Affordable Bag Designs on ETSY

It also has inner pockets!  Never done those before, but I decided to give it a go!

So, I washed my fabrics of choice, and bought some heavy duty interfacing.  Oh yeah, never used that before either, but I wanted a bag to shall we say...Stand on it's own!

Then I needed a size template.  This bag I bought a few years ago, and I love it, but I HATE THE OVER FLAP!  I want something I can get in and out of, and not have to flip a flap.  LAZY~huh?

Then I cut out the interfacing about 1 1/2 in bigger than the bag template (14 in. long X 18 in. wide).  I was going to turn this into a pattern / tutorial for our shop, but the light did not cooperate, and mama lost her ambition.  Oh well.

So, I figured out how to make pockets in the lining. I made 3 on each side of the lining, and they are 10 inches deep.  
Then I put the bag together, and I tell you what...I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!
Perma Smile!

Yes, I have a few flaws in the bag, but over all it is lovely!

I love the colors I chose, and I love how the size is perfect for a diaper bag!

Sorry, the light was GOOOONNNNNEEEEE for this last shot.  

I thoroughly enjoyed my first sewing bee, and I encourage you all to go visit Julia, and join in every Thursday!



kendra said...

oo,i like how those fabrics coordinate! my mother-in-law was just telling me how handing a stand-alone no-flap bag is for one-handed mamas of newborns! you're all set!!! : )

Elizabeth said...

Fabulous bag! Love the colors. all you ladies that can whip up your own patterns are amazing.

Andréann said...

I have some difficulties sewing from a pattern too. I pretty much sketch and go with it :)

It came out very nice, I love the fabrics you used

Elisa said...

Wow~ you are soooo talented! I love this bag! I have looked at bags but cannot, for the life of me figure out how to make one. One day, I will try. I just made another DPN case, my 2nd one, and STILL had to use the seam ripper...haha. Trial & error...that is how I roll. Great fabric choices for your bag.