Saturday, March 27, 2010


Usually I ski on my skis as I have done for over 27 years, today I flew down the mountain on my ASS!  

I was on the ski lift with Eben and Jay, when Eben accidentally dropped his mitten under the lift just before we got off.  Being the "superwoman" I am my mind, I decided to go get the $1.50 mitten.  IDIOT!!

I took off my skis, swung them over my shoulder, grabbed my ski poles, and took off under the lift. 

I got about 15 feet from the mitten, and shifted my weight into my bottom to inch over to the mitten because it was a bit slick where I was...then it happened...I WAS FREE FALLING!

I was sliding at a hugely fast pace, seeing trees, and saplings, rocks, and snow flying by me.  My skis were thrown, my poles akimbo, and my body bounced down the mountain.  All I kept thinking was...PLEASE DON'T LET ME HIT A TREE, scream...PLEASE LET ME STOP SOON, more screaming...WHY THE HELL DON'T I WEAR A HELMET...IDIOT!

Then I saw a sapling that I thought I could grab.  I reached for it, and as I did I rolled onto my stomach, and then realized...I can dig in my toes...I can claw at the ice, and so I did...AND THEN IT HAPPENED...I STOPPED! I had traveled about 150 feet.

I have more bruises and cuts than I can show, but here are a few for your viewing pleasure. 

Right Shoulder

Nose skin torn off of tip, then replaced, and scrape to the left.  THIS BLED LIKE A BITCH!

It could have been a whole lot worse, and the pain is setting in, but I am relieved! The most sad thing is that I lost the lovely wrap bracelet that Julia got for me as birthday present a few years back.  I loved it dearly. 


Ilena said...

Oh Ouch! What a way to wrap up the ski season. I am so glad you came away with just bumps and bruises (though those do look like they hurt).

Heather said...

Bracelets are replaceable....
YOU however...are NOT!!
I'm So thankful that you are "alright" :)
Love, Mom