Friday, June 5, 2009


Entry fee to the Adirondack Farmers Market as a vendor: $15.00

Sold $22.00 of goods (3 burp cloths, 1 booty set, and 1 needle wrap)

Lunch: $8.86

Cookies: $3.50

Gas: Approximately $7.00

So grand total: Loss of $12.36

Spending the majority of the day with my twin and our boys crafting and visiting:


I love you Jules, and thanks for doing this with me!


B said...

I wish I could have gone. Can't wait for the ADK mamas to come to tupper lake

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

But you can't look at it as a were asked to do another "market" and asked about selling your stuff in a store. That's great! You always lose before you make. :)

Anonymous said...

See, listen to Christina!!!! It's always hard to start up, and we did have a BLAST.

I couldn't do this with ANYONE ELSE!!!!

I love you more than you know.