Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ravenous, and another U/S, with a heart rate!

So excited, yesterday I had another U/S to check on the babies growth since I am still spotting, and have been for 3 weeks now.  

Here is the picture they gave me!
The head is in the lower right hand corner, and the rump is in the middle of the picture.  Measured 8 weeks 3 days.  I am 8 weeks 5 days as of yesterday.  MD says it is fine if the U/S measures 2 days + or - the actual gestational age.  Heart rate was a strong 167, and it was pure bliss to see that little babe! Poor thing was smooshed in my uterus because I am LITERALLY full of food.
I have been an EATING MACHINE!

Be prepared I go!

Here is a tally of the food I ate yesterday.

3 glasses of juice
entire 32 ounce can of fruit cocktail (in one sitting)
1 peanut butter sandwich
1 chocolate icecream cup
2 biscottis
1 ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and mustard
1 large piece of chocolate cake
1 small diet pepsi
1 small diet gingerale
2 heaping scoops of REAL macaroni and cheese
WATER throughout the day

probably a grand total of 3000 calories, YIKES!

I NEED TO GET A GRIP!  There, I said it. Enough said.

That is all.



  1. That diet sounds about normal to me! Maybe we are kindred spirits...with huge metabolisms that get even huger when pregnant.
    PS: Your food all looks pretty healthy to me! If you had like 1 piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast with decaf with chocolate syrup and half & half...and then another piece of pumpkin pie after I did...well, then I'd be worried about you. ;)
