Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sickness breeds productivity

Today Sam woke with the GI bug that had been manifesting through the night.  Fever, cold sweats, and then came.  

So I had called into work at 2 am to stay home with my little sicko, and had no real plans for my day, until I looked in my foyer, and in my cupboards.  My mom and Julia can vouch for their state of dis-array and clutter.  I mean I had SKI CLOTHES HANGING UP FROM OUR LAST DAY OF SKIING!  WOW

Here are the after photos, the before pictures were never taken...I WAS UBER embarrassed, and lets just leave it to your imagination...OK?

The Freshened Foyer
P.S. I washed the floors on my hands and knees...I do not own a mop
Clean Cupboards
I had some cans from 2008 in the back of the cupboards...2008!  OMG...I am BAD!

Then I washed some dishes
Those glasses are my Coke Zero GOBLETS. I love them, they hold a TON!

Finally I treated myself to a donut, I started with half, and kept going back till the whole thing was gone...My mom had kindly gottern 2 donuts for my lad (they are his favorite), and Sam said he only wanted the "Sprinkled one", so not wanting to waste my mothers generosity I partook. 

Reminded me of this clip from Sex and The City...I love Miranda

Have a great day all.  Oh, BTW I cloroxed this post, GERM FREE!


  1. lol I love that she had to pour dish liquid on it because she knew she would try again lol. love the cupboards nothing feels better then a clean house and a donut lol hope the little guy is better

  2. Oh my, I am so sorry that Sam is sick. Amazing job cleaning up, I am sure that it feels wonderful to just get it all organized. Have a great weekend Laura

  3. good going mama, hugs to all xx

  4. did no one else think it was funny taht you had jack daniels in the section labeled "sauce" ?
