Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby Ballet Slipper Pattern

Made a mini version of my Cross Over Toe Ballet Slipper yesterday...

3-6 MOS Cross Over Toe Ballet Slipper

Look for the pattern at our Etsy Shop if interested!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Crochet womans ballet slipper pattern (inspired by French Press Knits)

I have a confession... I have been coveting the lovely felted slippers that Melynda at French Press Knits designed.  I unfortunately am not a knitter, am scared of felting, and have not been able to find a crochet pattern similar to hers.  

So, determined, I sat down with my notebook, a pen, a snagged crochet hook and spare yarn from Julia's stash and set to writing down my steps as I went.  Crouched on the couch next to my twinnie, the prototype came to be, but it unfortunately was a bit on the large side, and the toe was too short.  BOO HOO!

I went back to my house, rested my eyes for 20 mintutes, and sat down again to try again. 
Row by row, trial and error, it finally started to all come together.  

I am SOOOOOO pleased, and giddy about my newest pattern. 

For all of you non knitting, crocheting ladies please click on my link if you would like to make these Uber cute ballet slippers~look for them on the shop site!

A Cute Mother's Day Pattern

Came up with this pattern last night while STAYING UP TILL 12 AM...IDIOT!  

I think they are precious, and I might have to whip up a cute little pair for my 

(isn't she lovely?)

Here is the link to the pattern...if anyone is looking for a handmade gift idea for their own Mama

Friday, April 23, 2010

Baby Reindeer

There were two new babes born at the Reindeer barn over the past couple days. 

The boys and I went to see them, they were so in love!

Mama and her baby~she chased away any of the other Reindeer that came near.  Love of a mother is so strong in all species.

All snuggled up at Mama's feet, tired from his second day of life

Finding her voice and following her Mama, precious!

Lala's Meat Ball Recipe

These are FABULOUS!

Lala's Meat Ball Recipe

1 lb Ground Beef
1/4 c. Parmesean Cheese
1/4 c. Bread Crumbs
1 egg
Salt and Pepper (one pinch of each)

 Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, and form as many meat balls as desired.  Preheat a large skillet with a tablespoon of olive oil, and place meatballs in the skillet.  
 Cook on both sides about 7 minutes each side.  Place on paper towels and allow to drain.  
Add to favorite sauce and enjoy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Daffodils and Chicken (what could be better)

After school today Sam and I went out to pick some of the Daffodils from our teeny tiny spot of garden in the back of our house.  He was a huge help!

Caution: large scissors in use with 5 year old, pardon me, almost 6 year old hands

"Here...let Mommy hold it, you cut!"


First try at flower arranging.  Pardon the glass...I am currently Vase-less in Seattle

So Proud! He did a great job

Tonight for dinner I made Herb De Provence Grilled Chicken Breasts that I am going to slice and scatter upon salads for Jay, Sam and I. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ladies Cape

Over the past two days I worked on designing a cape for myself, and here is a picture of the finished project!

I think it is whimsical, lovely, and charming all in one

(Thanks to Julia for taking this photo)

 Here is the link to my pattern in the shop if any crocheters would like it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting out the old Sneaks

Today I ran...yes ladies...I ran 1.2 miles DOWN my road NON STOP, and then walked the same 1.2 miles UP the road. 

I did not think I could do it, I kept thinking "I just want to make it half way, and then I will turn around."

I made it half way, and still had some spring to my step, so I kept going, rather pleased with my self I might add.  Then got a bit further, and I got a bit winded.  "PUSH IT LAURA!" I could feel the heart racing, the shirt I was wearing was wet with sweat, and my legs started to jiggle with each step. I pushed it for another .2 miles or so, and then turned around. 

I walked the whole way up the mountain back to my car.  I did stop to catch my breath 3 times, and to rest my SORE legs, but I DID IT!


I did have my cell with me and truthfully I did contemplate calling Jay to come rescue me on the way back up the road, but I DID NOT...I PUSHED THROUGH, jiggly legs,wet shirt, winded breath, I pushed it and it felt amazing!

So now I am inspired, I have come across a 5K run for charity in a town nearby that is in June.  Of course I had to ask Jay how far a 5K was...which he non-hesitantly answered "3.1 Miles".  Hmmmm I thought  "I bet I could do that if I worked at it!" Then he said "I'll do it with you!" SOLD!  My friend Martha is the one who linked me to it, and I thank her. 

Watch out I come...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reindeer Anyone???

So as part of the Great Outdoors Challenge, Sam and I decided to take a walk up the Mountain to the North Pole Reindeer Barn, and WE HAD A BLAST!

Here are some of the ADORABLE-NESS that took place.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Great Outdoor Challenge

 EBEN AND SAM 2007...RUNNING IN OUR WOODS (LOOK AT SAM'S FINGERS) is no secret...I am partial to lounging on the couch, and have a sort of short attention span for the outdoors.  My son can basically re-wire any electronic device, and from birth was more indoors than outdoors. Don't get me wrong here, yes I do GET son and nephew are "shewed" outside, and have a fabulous time there...I am the one who does not get her adequate amount of fresh air and Vit. D.  That being purged, I am inspired yet again by a post from my twinnie on her blog Rhythm of the Home.  THERE IS A NEW OUTDOOR CHALLENGE!  Come join in!  

I need to GET OUTSIDE...hell maybe it will aid me in my WEIGHT LOSS...which is not going well~ARGHHH. I am rationalizing here ladies, bear with me~

So hop on over and join the Outdoor Challenge! PLEASE????

Monday, April 5, 2010

Yard Work...Family Style

Today, we all got out and cleaned the outside of our house, and the yard...Here are some pictures to share.

A little family bonding...I love the face on Sam!

Who doesn't love a half clothed gardener?

 Spring "springing" it does best!


Such a good helper!

Like father, like son

Me busting a move...called "THE RAKE"

Better! (can't wait till it is green!) LOL

Much better!

Spring is lovely don't you think?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1st! Spring Table Alert

Happy days are here again.  The sun is shining, the snow is almost all melted here in my little town of home, and I am a happy lark. My mom used to call me Birdie when I was a babe...fitting!

So, inspired by my uber bloggy sister Julia, and her newest venture at Rhythm of the Home blog.
Psssttttt...SHE IS THE NEW EDITOR over there, and is doing a fantastic job!  GO CHECK HER OUT.

Oh and also don't forget the wonderful online magazine Rhythm of the Home  
brought to you by Heather and Bernadette.

Ok...on to my inspiration.  Julia posted a lovely post about Nature Tables, and the coming of spring.  There are a TON of posts by people sharing their lovely little tables, and I thought I would try my hand at 
MY FIRST spring table.

Here it spring table

Some little crochet eggs I whipped up yesterday, placed in a lovely antique flower bowl gifted to me by my wonderful Gram two Christmas' ago after my oogggllling eye wandered to it a bit too much at family functions.  SHE CAUGHT ON...I AM SO IN LOVE!

Ohhh...and you see that little green one there in the back?  That little egg is made of the lovely yarn that I swapped my measuring spoons for...VIA Lindsey from A Crunchy Life

Now who can resist a bit of Amelia Bedelia?  The aloof, friendly, always dressed for the occasion Housekeeper de'jour.  Now I must confess...I AM A LAME my Mother kindly told my son when she was watching him one day...THEN HE TOLD ME THAT NIGHT THAT SHE HAD SAID THAT...JIG IS UP NOW WITH A 5 YEAR OLD...NO MORE SECRETS!  LOL.  That being said, this book is the only book I own that is even remotely "springy".  Camping is on our minds lately.
Sam, Eben, Jay, and I made a fort...does that count?  Good...still love me?

I think the next picture speaks for itself.  HUNGRY YET??? Drooling????

Ah, and now onto my newest pattern, I thought would be fitting to have a little spring fish on my table.
It is an applique (5X3IN).  I will be posting the pattern for sale on our shop later today.

And lastly...a bit of my fabric stash that is SCREAMING at me to be used.  I brought out the old sewing machine yesterday for my valance tutorial, so you never know ladies...I might just use you up!