Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The end before it really began...I am sad~

Julia and I have officially closed our shop on Etsy, and will no longer be doing any sales at the farmers markets due to the labeling requirements we would have to have in place for our items.  That being said, thanks to all for the kind words on the items we sell, and our shop.  
The end came too soon, almost before it began, but here are some of our highlights...

Our First Farmers Market!  The boys were angels!  Made a whopping $35.00...LOL

A Plattsburgh Fair where we met lovely Ilena

Playing with our wonderful boys to pass the time

Finally...Our last Fair EVER...if only we had known~

Thanks to Julia for all the support, love, and late night crafting and creativity
Thanks to Sam and Eben for being so well behaved and helpful when your mommies dragged you to the shows
Thanks to Mom for all of your support, love, and for watching the boys for us
Thanks to Jay for helping with the boys, dragging the sewing machine, boxes of goods, and huge tupperwares up and down the stairs for me.  

I LOVE YOU ALL, and we definitely could not have done any of this with out you.



  1. Oh no this makes me so sad! What are you gonna do? I will buy some of your baby stuff if you have it left

  2. that is so sad :( Is this to do with new regulations with the kid/baby stuff? I am so sad with this stuff actually going through (if that is it) It really makes no sense.

  3. So sad! This makes me not want to start up my etsy - I hadn't heard about all of this labeling junk. I will miss your shop :(

  4. Yeah...FTC requires labels on ALL garments and fabric goods including Where the garment was made, what fabric percentage it includes, care instructions, and an RN number for the manufacturer...

    The $11,000.00 fine if you are caught selling goods not labeled, or miss labeled scared the crap out of me...

    Here is the link for those wondering...this includes all MANUFACTURERS...Big Business and Small Mom and Pop and Etsy sellers...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dear Birdie, I know how heart~broken that this has made you but....look at it this way. If you hadn't started your Etsy shop and gone to all of the fairs and what~not, you wouldn't have been tempted to better yourself in the skills that you taught yourself and honed such as....crocheting,sewing,etc. You made beautiful,creative,adorable,fabulous,ingenious things. You now have these items that didn't get to be sold.... to do with what you'd like and skills and crafts that will be with you FOREVER! You are an amazing and very sweet, intelligent person. When one door closes....another one opens. Hang in there.
    Love You,Momma

  7. Oh no. How sad. And just when I had discovered your awesome stuff! Best of luck with whatever the future brings you!

  8. Laura, that stinks, with a capital sucks.

  9. i am so so sorry. i posted a comment on julia's blog about this. so unfair.
