Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I can't thank everyone enough for entering my giveaway and for the fantastic comments~ MY OH MY, how lucky am I to have had the chance to meet such lovely women from places all over the world! Many of whom were referred to me from my precious sister Julia, thanks Jules!
Here is a glimpse at a few of my new online introductions.

I met Michelle at Living Slowly and saw her adorable children and looked at her awesome, currently being restocked, shop.

I met Melissa from Australia at In Our Eyes and saw a glimpse of a land that I have never been, but think is as beautiful as the amazing accents that their natives have.

I am anxious to try this Apple Dumpling recipe from Elizabeth from Pennsylvania at So Wabi Sabi. Looks yummy yummy in my tummy!

A view at weight loss in (kg.) in Austria with Claudia at A Smooth Transition

Also Muriƫl from the Netherlands at Hopfaldera and her amazing new project foray to help homeless children in Grand Rapids Michigan.

I also would like to introduce you to my friend Bre at B's Blog. She is an AMAZING bag designer and has a wonderful eye for fabric combinations. She is one of my best friends and a GREAT mom and nurse... although she doesn't think so sometimes.

Thanks again for all who entered. The 27 comments was far cry from the sad turn out from my first giveaway. I know Blah Blah Blah, get on with it!

Without further ado...the winners are:

Cotton Pack Number One:
Nicola at WhichName?

Frog Print Pack Number Two:
Denise from Colorado at Eat Play Love

Congratulations ladies! Please email me your addresses at and these babies will be one their way to you!


1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness. i am having all the luck! thank you!!!!
    and i love all the blog introductions. i do love to link through on other people's recommendations!
